The Chamber is considered a repository of many information and data related to its members, their fields of work and their activities, with the database available to it for all activities carried out in it. And the division and classification of Chamber members according to the activities to which they belong, each according to its industry within the people Milling Division 82%, headed by Mr. Hussein Boudi Milling division 72%, headed by Mr. Amr El Henri Pasta and Nutritional Nutritional Division, headed by Mr. Wagdy Al-Mashad The rice milling division, headed by Mr. Rajab Shehata It also carries out its work through technical committees specialized in the following activities Committee for Participations and Membership Affairs Technical Committee Financial Committee Media Committee Training and Currency Force Committee Export Committee
Chamber OF Cereals Industry
Maecenas sapien erat, porta non porttitor non, dignissim et enim. Aenean ac enim feugiat, facilisis arcu vehicula, consequat sem. Cras et vulputate nisi, ac dignissim mi. Etiam laoreet
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