Pasta is one of the important food items that people rely on to provide some of their nutritional needs. This industry originated in Cairo in the year 1890, where it began in a primitive way, by making a paste of semolina, from which pasta was made at that time. After preparing this dough, it is placed In a manual press, on the form to be produced, the pasta in its various forms is then dried on sails By sunlight, the pasta is then dried by hot air. In the year 1934, pasta factories imported automatic machines, as complete automatic lines were operated to make pasta Pasta, and the number of factories at that time was about ten factories, most of them in the city of Alexandria. In the year 1954, the Swift method was introduced in the manufacture of pasta, which consists in emptying air bubbles from the pasta dough during manufacturing, as its color became yellow instead of the white color. As of the Second World War, the manufacture of pasta was made from flour instead of semolina due to the difficulty of importing it from abroad. The Ministry of Supply subjected the exchange of flour to pasta factories at subsidized prices. The pasta was subject to the compulsory pricing, and the profit margin became small, forcing the factories not to package the majority of the pasta produced. In the mid-sixties, due to the difficulty of importing pasta manufacturing lines from abroad, in addition to the significant increase in the prices of importing these lines, there was a need to manufacture them locally, and the phenomenon of establishing these lines began. locally manufactured factories. In 1977, the first investment factory was established, followed by the establishment of several investment factories that used semolina in production instead of fine flour, using 72%. On March 17, 1993, Mr. Prof. Dr. Minister of Supply issued Decree No. 43 of 1993 to release the free circulation of fine flour, extract 72%, and abolish all restrictions on its production and import from abroad, and thus The pasta industry has become free. This industry will develop in light of the free circulation of fine flour and new variables under the new successful state policy. Pasta made from fine flour is characterized by its low prices, and therefore it is suitable for the markets of some developing countries, while pasta made from semolina is considered one of the finest types of pasta that is comparable to that of pasta. Its counterparts in countries that are well-established in this industry. From this point of view, the Chamber has participated in many exhibitions inside and outside the microscopic area through participation in exhibitions held throughout the African continent. The last conference was a marketing mission headed by the chamber's president and deputy, Wajdi Al-Mashad to leave the doors in Kenya in one of the countries of the West Continent. The industry in this sector has been developed with the latest technological devices and equipment that keep pace with the times and lead to the production of luxurious pasta suitable for export And the number of those who belong to the pasta industry is approximately 13,000 thousand And the head of the pasta industry division in this session is Dr. / Abdel Ghaffar Al-Salmouni The companies producing pasta are striving to promote their export of pasta, as the available production capacities greatly exceed the needs of the local market.