Barley rice is one of the newly cultivated crops in Egypt, where historians believe that its cultivation began in the seventh century AD The process of hitting the rice began in the first racket in a primitive way, which is a large bowl of wood or stones with a wooden hand in the middle, raising and lowering it leads to the peeling of rice and the industry developed after This is until it reached the advanced stages now, which is considered one of the finest that the rice milling industry has reached in the world, as there are systems and models of mills produced by the milling schools in Egypt. Whether American, German, Italian or Japanese, which has been provided with the latest industry technology to allow the production of the finest types of white rice, which generates a large return for the state, as it represents The rice crop is of great importance in the structure of the Egyptian economy as one of the crops in which Egypt enjoys self-sufficiency and a surplus suitable for export. With the cultivation of rice and the increase in production, this required an increase in the number of speculators and the development of this industry until it became tangible now The rice milling industry is one of the important industries in the grain room Where many speculators belong to it, and their number reaches approximately 15,000 The total investments in this sector amounted to one billion pounds And the head of the Rice Division at this time is Mr. Rajab Shehata
Chamber OF Cereals Industry
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